I always like to get the bad news out of the way first. I'm not going to be writing as often here at my own website, Southern Prose. However, the good news is that I am still writing online, more than ever -- but now I actually get paid something for it. My new gig is freelance writer for TheResurgent.com, a website owned by conservative radio host Erick Erickson. But don't blame him for anything I write. They pretty much allow me to just do what I've been doing here, without earning income. If you're interested, you can find my new articles here. … [Read more...]
An open letter to the evolutionary biologist
Dear Mr. or Ms. Evolutionary Biologist, Thank you in advance for your time, of which I hope not to waste too much. If you happen to be an ursinologist, your assistance will be especially welcome. Before I start, I think it it is only fair that you know the audience. I should properly identify myself as a Christian, so that you will be aware of the possibility my confirmation bias (which I believe everyone has) could unduly affect my interpretation of published scientific evidence. I also believe in supernatural creation, because I am well aware that life cannot evolve until it exists. However, I typically describe myself as theist-agnostic. By that, I simply mean that I believe in the Judeo-Christian supernatural creator God called Yahweh, and I also believe that Jesus was the promised, crucified, and resurrected Messiah. That's the "theist" part of the descriptor. On the other hand, I also realize that I actually don't know very much when it comes to answering the existential questions. That's the reason for the "agnostic" qualifier...I can't even claim that my beliefs constitute knowledge, because sometimes beliefs turn out to be wrong. Pleading agnosticism is admitting to ignorance. My desire to become less ignorant is the reason for writing you this letter. So without further ado, please allow me to get right to the crux of what I want to know: what special characteristics of any two species of bears makes it necessary for them to be classified as more than one species? After all, there are five billion or so humans on earth, all properly … [Read more...]
Racists, Charlottesville, and Republicans
I could never be a member of the Democratic Party, if only because of their history. If you haven't already seen this very informative video featuring Professor Carol Swain about the Democratic Party's long history of racism in America, you should watch it now. I will never join the Republican Party either, because I can't abide the stupidity of their current leadership in Congress, or the fact they don't seem willing to keep their campaign promises. ( see John McCain.) I love my friends on Facebook. They know me well. Yesterday when I started posting pictures of puppies, kittens, and flowers on Facebook, they recognized the calm before the storm. Some wondered if they'd missed it. Nobody missed anything. Yesterday, the pot was still simmering. We've finally reached a full boil. It's time for me get it off my chest and toss in my two cents on this recent debacle in Charlottesville. I'll start with the reasons for both protests, why it became violent, and my opinion on who were the bad guys. The short answer is, everyone involved. Charlottesville began when a few politicians decided that some statues of Confederate generals so grievously offended them that they must be removed from public property, announcing their plans in advance. Some might believe the announcement was a necessary public service, but more cynical minds could suspect the Democrat politicians running both the city and the state had schemed to manufacture the crisis to come. Large numbers of skinheads and neo-Nazi thugs blatantly used the event as an excuse to draw attention to themselves, … [Read more...]
The “smoking gun” evidence for intelligent design
The computer I'm using to create this information is an obvious product of intelligent design. We even know the designer(s) are employees of Apple computers. In fact, "design" does not exist until produced by intelligence, so the term would seem to be slightly redundant. In the absence of intelligence the presence of design, no matter how beguiling it may be, could be assumed to be an illusion. But is that a safe assumption? In a way, this article also serves as proof that intelligent design exists. I am choosing my words more carefully than unusual, knowing that the title of the article and subject matter will surely attract the attention of my harshest critics, who also happen to be the intended audience. No typos for you! Intelligent design has also been described in an online dictionary as "a theory that life, or the universe, cannot have arisen by chance and was designed or created by some intelligent entity." Biologist Jerry Coyne, author of the book Why Evolution is True, also wrote a screed titled "THE CASE AGAINST INTELLIGENT DESIGN", which he neglected to make despite its length. The extraordinarily long essay turned out to be nothing more than an extended defense of evolution, combined with a completely dishonest portrayal of intelligent design as an attempt to reconcile scientific evidence with Young Earth Creationism (YEC). What evidence do people like Mr. Coyne or Richard Dawkins offer in rebuttal to the idea of intelligent design? Advocates of Darwin's theory of evolution (or some permutation of it, such as neo-Darwinism) will insist that the … [Read more...]