My personal policy on Facebook is to accept friend requests from almost everyone who asks. As a result, I’ve become social media “friends” with a very wide cross-section of society with friends who range from evangelical Christians to atheists, with representatives of every faith welcome as well, but only up to a point. On the political spectrum my friends range from transgender conservative to fairly radical liberals. No two people think exactly alike. My personal opinion is that it's impossible to learn if you never listen to people who disagree with you. I’m a firm believer in open dialog and listening to what the other side has to say. Up to a point. The price of my willingness to listen to a contrary or even disturbing argument is the opportunity for me to speak in turn. Sometimes I find out the door of friendship was left a little too open to virtual strangers, and a raving lunatic reveals himself. It usually doesn't take very long. In fairness, I already knew the Bernie Bro in this conversation was considerably more liberal in his philosophical worldview than me, but this conversation I'm about to share revealed exactly how insane these people are. I cleaned up his grammar and spelling only as necessary to maintain readability. The content has not been altered. The conversation begins as the Bernie Bro's comments on a parody article from the Babylon Bee. In other words, this all started with his response to a JOKE, proving that socialists are humor-impaired. Bernie Bro (BB): Show me (where) Bernie (is) promoting for violence. Show me what … [Read more...]
The truth about Prager University

Photo by Gage Skidmore Dennis Prager is a conservative Jewish talk show host with a You Tube channel featuring guest contributors who deliver short, informative videos that educate their viewers about conservative ideology. Not long ago, a liberal vlogger named Shaun recorded a half-hour attack screed (mostly criticizing a five-minute long video) titled "How PragerU lies to you." Shaun focused most of his criticisms on a video of conservative author Andrew Klavan talking about feminism, but seemed most upset by the fact Prager videos defend capitalism and "white Christian men" from the typical criticisms coming from socialists and secular liberals. Of course, it isn't terribly difficult to defend capitalism against a fatally flawed economic theory like socialism, which isn't just wrong or bad, it's absolutely evil. Any argument advocating socialism can be destroyed with a single word: Venezuela. Socialist governments don't just kill people; they frequently commit mass murder. While his people are literally starving in Venezuela, former cab driver Nicolas Maduro gorges on outrageously expensive steaks and enjoys fine cigars, living like a king. Or a dictator. The only happy people under a socialist government are the people in power, and they never redistribute the wealth of the people fairly or equitably. But let's stick with the subject of feminism for the moment, since that's what Shaun spent the majority of his lengthy diatribe yammering about. The short video about the misandry of … [Read more...]
Anger management

Writing is cathartic. I express my thoughts and emotions with my fingers using the keyboard, not using my fists to rearrange someone else's face, even though the thought does prove tempting at times. It's okay to be unhappy when things don't always go your way. There's nothing wrong with getting angry when you feel an injustice has gone unpunished. It's even okay to peacefully protest an grotesque injustice and try to inspire others to motivate necessary change. Remember the TEA Party? However, it's not okay to scream like a jackass at the top of your lungs six inches from the face of someone you don't like. Nor is it okay to hit that person when his or her back is turned, like a coward is often tempted to do. And it's not okay to destroy private property belonging to someone who disagrees with fact, that's criminal behavior called assault, vandalism, theft, and whatever the legal term is for felony destruction of private property. Oh...I guess the technical term would be arson. This is how liberals "disagree" with other people. It's also not okay to stand in the middle of the street forcing traffic to stop and redirect in order to avoid you, while you scream profanity at the people in the car. These people have completely lost their minds. Like a virus, this irrational, out-of-control anger coming from liberals, progressives, radicals, and anarchists has been threatening to spread out of control because the response from rational and reasonable people has been rather calm and understated, which only emboldens these crazy people. In November … [Read more...]