A glimpse into the mind of a Bernie Bro

My personal policy on Facebook is to accept friend requests from almost everyone who asks. As a result, I’ve become social media “friends” with a very wide cross-section of society with friends who range from evangelical Christians to atheists, with representatives of every faith welcome as well, but only up to a point. On the political spectrum my friends range from transgender conservative to fairly radical liberals. No two people think exactly alike. My personal opinion is that it's impossible to learn if you never listen to people who disagree with you. I’m a firm believer in open dialog and listening to what the other side has to say. Up to a point. The price of my willingness to listen to a contrary or even disturbing argument is the opportunity for me to speak in turn. Sometimes I find out the door of friendship was left a little too open to virtual strangers, and a raving lunatic reveals himself. It usually doesn't take very long. In fairness, I already knew the Bernie Bro in this conversation was considerably more liberal in his philosophical worldview than me, but this conversation I'm about to share revealed exactly how insane these people are. I cleaned up his grammar and spelling only as necessary to maintain readability. The content has not been altered. The conversation begins as the Bernie Bro's comments on a parody article from the Babylon Bee. In other words, this all started with his response to a JOKE, proving that socialists are humor-impaired. Bernie Bro (BB): Show me (where) Bernie (is) promoting for violence. Show me what … [Read more...]

Putrid politics

Candace Owens (Photo: Zach Gibson/Getty Images) I tend to think of myself as an American, not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. I don't give either political party anything except my vote, and even then I never vote for the political party. I have always voted for the candidate and his or her platform, not the donkey or the elephant. That was then; this is now. The cesspool known as Washington, D. C. has become so putrid that the stench permeates all the way down here to the outskirts of Atlanta. Smells just like a septic tank. So without further ado, here are my top seven reasons why I won't be voting for any candidate in 2020 with a "D" behind their name, not even for garbage collector: Number 7: Representative Rashida Tlaib was reported as saying that thinking about the Holocaust gave her a “calming feeling.” Just think about that. Six million men, women, and children were murdered only because they were Jews. Rather than apologizing for any confusion her words might have caused, Tlaib accused her critics of being anti-Muslim and claimed her words had been taken out of context. Tlaib is also famous for shouting “We’re going to impeach the mother******!” in reference to President Trump at a public event held in her honor.  Frankly, she's an embarrassment to Congress, or she would be if Democrats ever experienced any emotions resembling pride or shame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlkOLEQqo7Y Number 6: Jerry Nadler demonstrates remarkably poor table manners while accusing Attorney General William Barr of committing perjury in his … [Read more...]

Jussie Smollett’s hate crime

I'm not a big fan of the term "hate crime" because the definition of one is vague and nebulous at best, obfuscating and confusing at worst. The term "hate crime" suggests that certain crimes should be judged and punished more harshly depending on the motive of the perpetrator. Jussie Smollett Theoretically, the criminal act is considered worse if racism, homophobia, or some other prejudice is the primary motive. But is that really true? Even if it is true, why should it matter? Let's say person "A" murders person "B" in some heinous manner, let's say by nailing them to a tree--is the crime really worse if the perpetrator and victim are of different races or have different sexual preferences? Personally, I wouldn't really care too much one way or the other even if the perpetrator and victim were different species. I'd care that a living creature had been nailed to a tree for no justifiable reason. In my opinion, there is something seriously wrong with a human being who would torture an animal or a person and take pleasure from watching them suffer. Someone that evil shouldn't be allowed to live. Jussie Smollett hates President Donald Trump so much that he paid two black men $3,500 (unfortunately for him paid by check, leaving a paper trail) to "attack" him with bleach, claiming they were Trump supporters shouting "Make America Great Again" and racist, homophobic slurs. His t-shirt says it all, doesn't it? Smollett caused the city of Chicago to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars paying the police to waste hundreds of man-hours investigating a … [Read more...]

When will MoveOn.org take their own advice?

When Bill Clinton's presidency was threatened by talk of impeachment way back in 1998, the nonprofit organization MoveOn.org was founded by Joan Blades and Wes Boyd in order to urge Congress to simply censure President Clinton for his sexual improprieties in the Oval Office and "move on" with the functions of government rather than removing Clinton from office. I'm not with him. That was twenty years ago. So why hasn't MoveOn.org moved on? Logically, the reason for their existence should have ended when Bill Clinton's impeachment concluded in the Senate without his conviction, even though he was clearly guilty beyond any reasonable doubt of sexual misconduct while in office and of committing perjury about his adultery, but the American people were told those were insufficient reasons to remove a sitting President from office. MoveOn.org lost the battle to stop impeachment, but they won the war. Bill Clinton served both terms in full. Follow the money, as they say. The reason MoveOn.org won't move on is because they can't. They are mired in the past, driving a powerful fund-raising machine using well-known liberal political figures such as Robert Reich (former Clinton Secretary of Labor) helping them raise money for "progressive" causes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=170&v=oyjm_Bnncms And boy, do liberals ever get their money's worth! Just take a look at this high quality, mature and thought-provoking commercial they made about Obamacare--but don't let any children wander within earshot while you do. [WARNING: "STRONG" (MEANING … [Read more...]

Anger management

Writing is cathartic. I express my thoughts and emotions with my fingers using the keyboard, not using my fists to rearrange someone else's face, even though the thought does prove tempting at times.   It's okay to be unhappy when things don't always go your way. There's nothing wrong with getting angry when you feel an injustice has gone unpunished. It's even okay to peacefully protest an grotesque injustice and try to inspire others to motivate necessary change. Remember the TEA Party? However, it's not okay to scream like a jackass at the top of your lungs six inches from the face of someone you don't like. Nor is it okay to hit that person when his or her back is turned, like a coward is often tempted to do. And it's not okay to destroy private property belonging to someone who disagrees with you...in fact, that's criminal behavior called assault, vandalism, theft, and whatever the legal term is for felony destruction of private property. Oh...I guess the technical term would be arson. This is how liberals "disagree" with other people. It's also not okay to stand in the middle of the street forcing traffic to stop and redirect in order to avoid you, while you scream profanity at the people in the car. These people have completely lost their minds. Like a virus, this irrational, out-of-control anger coming from liberals, progressives, radicals, and anarchists has been threatening to spread out of control because the response from rational and reasonable people has been rather calm and understated, which only emboldens these crazy people. In November … [Read more...]