In case you've been wondering who pays me and how often, lately I've been wondering the same thing, too. After 12 years of faithful service, my van died and I had to buy another car, which means a new car payment and more expensive insurance coverage. This month went from bad to brutal after my dog was poisoned by eating treated grass (after eating a thousand-dollar emergency vet bill, she's absolutely fine and acts like nothing ever happened) and two days after that, the washer and dryer both had to be replaced, to the tune of another two grand. Sorry if this reads like whining, but I felt kind of like this guy here... So, why am I telling you about my problems? Well, for the past eight years, I've been reticent to ask for contributions or donations from readers to support this website. I thought people who like to read my articles and blogs would also want to buy my books and novels. In retrospect, that assumption proved incorrect. It turns out that people who read my books probably don't read my blog, and vice versa. I either need to figure out how to sell a lot more books, monetize the website, or (gasp) get a "day" job. For the next several days, I've placed a small, temporary PayPal "Donate" button on my home page under my signature. I'm looking into creating a Patreon account as a more long term opportunity for readers to show their appreciation for my work. If you want to show your support for my blog, your financial contribution will be greatly appreciated. Even if you can't afford to spare a dollar … [Read more...]
Internet extortion
Got a pretty scary email early this alarmed me at first glance, at least for about two seconds or so. Three seconds, tops. The ominous sounding extortion threat read as follows: Hello!Do not mind on my illiteracy, I am from India.We loaded the malicious program onto your system.After that I stole all individual information from your OS. Moreover I had slightly more compromising.The most interesting evidence which I received- its a record with your masturbation.I set virus on a porn page and after you downloaded it. As soon as you chose the video and clicked on a play, my virus instantly downloaded on your OS.After downloading, your camera shoot the video with you masturbating, moreover software saved exactly the video you masturbated on. In next week my malicious software captured all your social media and work contacts.If you want to erase all the compromising evidence- pay me 470 euro in Bitcoins.I provide you my Btc number - 13UEudUHf3yzJm9791w7qRH2edooCpoyWY You have 20 hours to go since now. When I receive transaction I will eliminate the evidence in perpetuity. Otherwise I will send the tape to all your contacts.Wilks Drone -- "Think twice extortion email" Sorry, but I will mind the illiteracy as well as the stupidity, because I don't like being threatened or blackmailed by prevaricating wankers from India. The timing of the email was admittedly a little worrisome because my laptop had lost the internet connection while I was feeding the dogs, and it took a few seconds to figure out how to restore order, but that seemed to be Comcast, not my … [Read more...]
A swift end to the madness
Judge Brett Kavanaugh I think my idea for a quick and decisive solution to the ongoing debacle known as the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process is worth considering. The sad and unfortunate situation involving General Michael Flynn and his pending sentencing was the inspiration for this idea. After all, if a man who dedicated his life to serving his country can be ruined and threatened with prison by Bob Mueller, everyone should consider themselves fair game in this era of financial ruin and character assassination for political reasons, public servants and private citizens alike. In General Flynn's situation, the FBI agent who conducted the initial interview thought he was telling the truth, and he's still facing a prison sentence, conveniently postponed until after the November midterm elections. The FBI can make everybody involved or named in the Kavanaugh hearings the exact same offer -- if there's any chance the accusations or the denials can neither be proved nor corroborated, that person has the option to recant their claim without suffering criminal penalty: Make a public statement acknowledging you cannot or will not support your previous claims with corroborating evidence, and only risk public humiliation versus criminal penalty. Continue to move forward, you'd better be damned sure you're telling the truth, because now you've got skin in the game.Every allegation against Judge Kavanaugh and every denial must be given in a sworn statement taken directly under oath by the FBI. Every witness must swear to their testimony under penalty of felony perjury, … [Read more...]
The gods of atheism
Most atheists will claim they don't believe in gods, but they're wrong. They simply don't recognize their gods as being gods because they lack the traditional names like Jesus, Yahweh, or Allah. The gods of atheism (and science) are Time and Luck. Yeah, I know--not all scientists are atheists, but most atheists want to think of themselves as intellectuals and scientists, though. Consider the following paragraph found in an article from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, titled "Here's what happened when scientists gave octopuses ecstasy:" They (researchers from Johns Hopkins University) noted that octopuses are separated from humans by more than 500 million years of evolution and have brains that are more similar to those of snails. However, with MDMA, they were able to exhibit some of the same actions of people. Now if you're like me a few questions might have just popped into your head, such as: how would an octopus and a human being "share" a common ancestor? The relationship between "ancestor" and "descendant" is normally defined by sexual reproduction between two members of the same species. The two "species" in question have quite a few very obvious morphological differences, and the only person who apparently ever considered the quantitative differences between two distinctly different but allegedly related species seems to have been philosopher David Berlinski. Because cows and whales allegedly share a common, land-based mammal ancestor that hypothetically lived approximately 160 million years ago and was only about the size of a modern shrew, we … [Read more...]
The liberal blood sacrament of abortion
Do they really think we're this stupid? Well, yeah. Obviously. And I always get offended when stupid people assume that we're even dumber than they are. Which is smarter, an elected Democrat politician or a CNN reporter? No matter what you guessed you were wrong, because it was a trick question...a brick is smarter than either one. This isn't about sex. It isn't about rape, attempted rape, and has absolutely nothing to do with Christine Ford's accusations. It's really about abortion. Specifically, it's about stopping Judge Kavanaugh from being seated on the Supreme Court in order to preserve this liberal blood sacrament. Senator Robert Menendez admits the real motivation in the organized opposition to Judge Kavanaugh is to protect Roe v. Wade in the clip below. No offense, but if you really think the desperate last-second attack on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh has anything at all to do with accusations of sexual abuse as a teenager, you're a useful idiot as far as the Democratic Party is concerned. If you are offended, get over it. Learn to use the brain God gave you, and think. Since when has a Democrat ever cared about sexual improprieties? We're talking about the political party of Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, for God's sake! They only care when they can accuse a Republican of sexual improprieties, and the sort of deviant behavior that comes naturally to a Democrat. The Democratic Party reportedly doesn't care about (documented) very serious allegations … [Read more...]