In the toxic climate of misandry fomented by the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, the only evidence you need to see to illustrate the disgusting hypocrisy of the Democratic Party is Senator Bob Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey. Facebook just popped up a video on screen of that human-pig hybrid creature without warning, and I didn't have a barf bag handy. As that human piece of excrement droned on about Kavanaugh's confirmation coming "by any means necessary" and some nonsense about "get out of jail free cards", I got up and quickly walked away from my laptop, lest I succumb to the temptation to smash that expensive piece of equipment into a million pieces. Despicable Bob Menendez Did I just hear my headphones right? Did those unbelievably hypocritical words really come out of the mouth of that jackass? How can anyone sit in that room and know what I know about Bob Menendez, and not tell him to sit down and shut up before his sexual perversions and corruption became a topic on social media? If you look up the word irony in the dictionary, it will refer you to the word "scumbag" and show you a picture of Bob Menendez. It's bad enough if I think of you as beneath contempt, and difficult to fathom anyone beneath Bob Menendez in terms of sleaze. Let me tell you a little bit about "Bob" that the voters of New Jersey don't seem to mind. Sure, he was given a trial and found not guilty by the jury of corruption charges for taking bribes from Dr. Salomon Melgen, but he was not found innocent of traveling to the Dominican Republic specifically for the purposes of … [Read more...]
The lame stream media
Unless you've been stranded on a desert island like Tom Hanks in the movie Castaway, you've heard of Christine Blasey Ford, by far the most credible (and incredible) witness to swear under oath about extremely serious sexual allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, dating back from when he was in high school more than thirty-five years ago. I deliberately chose the adverb "extremely" to modify the phrase "serious sexual allegations" because I honestly believe that anyone guilty of rape or attempted rape should be locked in jail and the key thrown away. Castration isn't off the table, either. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind, right? The only problem with my draconian approach to solving rape is that false accusations must risk equal consequences. In other words, Brett Kavanaugh has been publicly and salaciously accused of attempted rape and gang rape. There is no way to sugarcoat the accusations to make them more palatable. Indeed, Judge Kavanaugh has had his name slandered and he has been metaphorically lynched by the lame stream media for the vilest of reasons, the assumption that he will become the pivotal vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, the infamous Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion. Furthermore, if you spend most of your time with your head buried in sand or live under a rock, you may not have heard of Deborah Ramirez or Julie Swetnick, either. You should know their names. It's actually very important that we never forget these women, but not for reasons or in the way they would prefer to be remembered. They need to be ashamed of what they've done, … [Read more...]
Dishonest book reviews
Unless these are the first words I've written that you've ever read, you're probably aware of the fact I've been a rather unabashed critic of Darwinian theory as extrapolated to explain the origin of new species. The results of Gregor Mendel's genetic experiments, muddled together with atheist philosophy, offers a superficial and completely inadequate alternative to a supernatural Creator, yet the high priests of Darwin eagerly wait for the first opportunity to make a blood sacrifice of those deemed heretics. Writing a book and getting it published is actually rather easy in the modern world of ebooks and self-publishing. However, writing a book worth reading is another matter entirely. I know this, because after letting them go "cold" in my memory I re-read my first two Mercer novels and promptly pulled them off the market in order to improve them. I'm a tough, but fair critic. The plots won't be changed significantly, but I know I can do a better job of telling the story than I did when I first started writing eight years ago. My wife and I have become much better editors over time. Recently I stumbled across this internet post by Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, who made a worrisome claim about a fellow academic named Herman Mays. Dr. Jeanson recently wrote a book called Replacing Darwin, which I have not had the opportunity to read. In this article where Dr. Mays was mentioned, Dr. Jeanson wrote, Dr. Mays asserted that I’m scientifically incompetent to make the claims that I do in Replacing Darwin. He also claimed that my book is full of errors and omissions. … [Read more...]
A quick question for readers
In case you've been wondering who pays me and how often, lately I've been wondering the same thing, too. After 12 years of faithful service, my van died and I had to buy another car, which means a new car payment and more expensive insurance coverage. This month went from bad to brutal after my dog was poisoned by eating treated grass (after eating a thousand-dollar emergency vet bill, she's absolutely fine and acts like nothing ever happened) and two days after that, the washer and dryer both had to be replaced, to the tune of another two grand. Sorry if this reads like whining, but I felt kind of like this guy here... So, why am I telling you about my problems? Well, for the past eight years, I've been reticent to ask for contributions or donations from readers to support this website. I thought people who like to read my articles and blogs would also want to buy my books and novels. In retrospect, that assumption proved incorrect. It turns out that people who read my books probably don't read my blog, and vice versa. I either need to figure out how to sell a lot more books, monetize the website, or (gasp) get a "day" job. For the next several days, I've placed a small, temporary PayPal "Donate" button on my home page under my signature. I'm looking into creating a Patreon account as a more long term opportunity for readers to show their appreciation for my work. If you want to show your support for my blog, your financial contribution will be greatly appreciated. Even if you can't afford to spare a dollar … [Read more...]
Internet extortion
Got a pretty scary email early this alarmed me at first glance, at least for about two seconds or so. Three seconds, tops. The ominous sounding extortion threat read as follows: Hello!Do not mind on my illiteracy, I am from India.We loaded the malicious program onto your system.After that I stole all individual information from your OS. Moreover I had slightly more compromising.The most interesting evidence which I received- its a record with your masturbation.I set virus on a porn page and after you downloaded it. As soon as you chose the video and clicked on a play, my virus instantly downloaded on your OS.After downloading, your camera shoot the video with you masturbating, moreover software saved exactly the video you masturbated on. In next week my malicious software captured all your social media and work contacts.If you want to erase all the compromising evidence- pay me 470 euro in Bitcoins.I provide you my Btc number - 13UEudUHf3yzJm9791w7qRH2edooCpoyWY You have 20 hours to go since now. When I receive transaction I will eliminate the evidence in perpetuity. Otherwise I will send the tape to all your contacts.Wilks Drone -- "Think twice extortion email" Sorry, but I will mind the illiteracy as well as the stupidity, because I don't like being threatened or blackmailed by prevaricating wankers from India. The timing of the email was admittedly a little worrisome because my laptop had lost the internet connection while I was feeding the dogs, and it took a few seconds to figure out how to restore order, but that seemed to be Comcast, not my … [Read more...]