The end of the world as we know it

My favorite bumper sticker during the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was this one reflective of my reluctance embrace of either candidate: Prior to his election, I wasn't the biggest fan of Donald Trump. On the other hand, I couldn't think of a worse choice to oppose him in the general election than Hillary--even socialist, never-had-a-real-job-in-his-life Bernie Sanders stood a better chance. Thank God the fix was in, and Clinton became the nominee. To my pleasant surprise, Trump has turned out to be a much better president than I could have imagined. He began conversations with North Korea, lowered taxes, and created an economic boom after eight years of malaise under Obama. As a result of his success, I've grown to appreciate the accomplishments of President Trump. Just imagine what he could get done if virtually everybody in Washington wasn't actively opposing his efforts. Under normal circumstances, I would have expected a period of happiness and economic prosperity to follow. Unfortunately, we do not live under normal circumstances anymore. We live in a world where special prosecutor Robert Mueller has been given carte blanche to ruin the lives, finances, and reputations of American citizens like General Michael Flynn and Roger Stone for the crime of supporting President Trump. The infamous "Steele dossier" used to create this sham investigation/witch hunt was a political hit job that any competent FBI director would have recognized for what it was--a bogus, political hit piece. The federal government under the … [Read more...]

Nathan Phillips, publicity whore

Nathan Phillips If you're just waking up from a deep coma, you might not have heard of Nathan Phillips or Covington Catholic High School. You're definitely in the minority, because pretty much everybody else with access to a television knows who they are. If you've only listened to Hollyweird liberals and the mainstream media, you may not even be aware of the role the Black Hebrew Israelites played in the controversial encounter. Naturally, the media portrayed a group of teens attending a March for Life (anti-abortion) rally as a mob of racist, Trump-supporting white hoodlums surrounding and taunting a poor Native American simply trying to lead a prayer vigil because it so conveniently fit their narrative, which is to depict Trump supporters (and especially pro-life demonstrators) as a bunch of intolerant Neanderthals with the stated goal of taking away a woman's right to choose to abort her child, and often for the sake of convenience. Fortunately for the kids from Covington Catholic, other people who weren't trying to deliberately false narrative about what really happened were also at the Lincoln Memorial and had their cameras. The real story was a far cry from the original narrative peddled to the media by Mr. Phillips. The students from Covington had gathered at the Lincoln Memorial as instructed by their chaperones in advance of their return trip home when a small, militant group of black men calling themselves Black Hebrew Israelites approached them and began shouting racist and homophobic epithets at the teenagers. At that point the only offense committed … [Read more...]

Calling the wrong guy stupid

Dr. Laurence Moran Laurence A. "Larry" Moran (and no, it's not really Moron) is apparently a pretty smart guy. He holds a PhD in biochemistry from Princeton University and served as a college professor for decades at the University of Toronto. He's probably best known for being one of the lead authors of a textbook called Principles of Biochemistry, although in fairness, his personal blog called Sandwalk also attracts a fair amount of internet traffic, which is how I learned about Dr. Moran--ironically enough, while searching the internet for information on Dr. James Tour. What has inspired me to write about my limited knowledge of Dr. Moran was the conclusion to his article harshly critical of Dr. Tour: I suppose I'm going to be labeled as one of those evil "Darwinists" who won't tolerate anyone who disagrees with me about evolution.  I'm actually not. I just don't like stupid people who think they are experts in evolution when they have never bothered to learn about it. Here's my advice to graduate students in organic chemistry: if you want to know about evolution then take a course or read a textbook. And remember, there's nothing wrong with admitting that you don't understand a subject. Just don't assume your own ignorance means that all the experts in the subject are wrong too. [emphasis added]Laurence A. Moran, "A chemist who doesn't understand evolution" Wow. If I'm not mistaken, Dr. Moran just described Dr. Tour as being a stupid person. So I'm wondering, is it possible that a chemistry professor wouldn't know who Dr. Tour is? How could he not know? … [Read more...]

The truth about Prager University

Photo by Gage Skidmore Dennis Prager is a conservative Jewish talk show host with a You Tube channel featuring guest contributors who deliver short, informative videos that educate their viewers about conservative ideology. Not long ago, a liberal vlogger named Shaun recorded a half-hour attack screed (mostly criticizing a five-minute long video) titled "How PragerU lies to you." Shaun focused most of his criticisms on a video of conservative author Andrew Klavan talking about feminism, but seemed most upset by the fact Prager videos defend capitalism and "white Christian men" from the typical criticisms coming from socialists and secular liberals. Of course, it isn't terribly difficult to defend capitalism against a fatally flawed economic theory like socialism, which isn't just wrong or bad, it's absolutely evil. Any argument advocating socialism can be destroyed with a single word: Venezuela. Socialist governments don't just kill people; they frequently commit mass murder. While his people are literally starving in Venezuela, former cab driver Nicolas Maduro gorges on outrageously expensive steaks and enjoys fine cigars, living like a king. Or a dictator. The only happy people under a socialist government are the people in power, and they never redistribute the wealth of the people fairly or equitably. But let's stick with the subject of feminism for the moment, since that's what Shaun spent the majority of his lengthy diatribe yammering about. The short video about the misandry of … [Read more...]

The flying friar of Cupertino

Recently, some friends on social media compared the theory of evolution to the theory of gravity, suggesting the evidence that  supported both was equally strong. The question was then posed by me: what evidence would be required before we might reasonably begin to question the theory of gravity? Can exceptions exist? The answer to my question seems rather obvious--if Newton's apple fell up toward the sky instead of down, for example, that would contradict the theory of gravity. We should begin to question the consistency of gravity if observations from multiple, credible witnesses claimed that objects or people either floated or flew in the air without using wires or other special effects to create a clever illusion. This "law" of gravity is easily testable: simply drop something from your hand, and it will fall to the ground. The evidence for gravity is so powerful that I can remember even as a young child (who still believed in Santa Claus) thinking the premise of the television show The Flying Nun was absolutely ridiculous...that because she only weighed 90 pounds and wore a cornette on her head, Sister Bertrille (Sally Field) would literally get blown off the ground by a strong wind. Frankly, the idea hasn't really improved with age--it's about as believable as Mr. Ed, the talking horse, but not half as funny. From where do such silly ideas come? As for The Flying Nun, the inspiration was a book called The Fifteenth Pelican. But from where might author Tere Rios have gotten the idea of writing a novel about a … [Read more...]