The PBS Evolution Library has an entry called Ring Species: Salamanders.
The article discusses the breeding patterns of the Ensatina salamanders found on the Pacific coast and describes them as, “all descended from a common ancestral population. [of salamander]”
The ring species of Ensatina salamanders is described as, “From one population to the next, in a circular pattern, these salamanders are still able to interbreed successfully. However, where the circle closes — in the black zone on the map in Southern California — the salamanders no longer interbreed successfully. The variation within a single species has produced differences as large as those between two separate species.”

To which I say, so what? There is a big difference between “don’t” and “can’t.” One wonders if these different types of salamanders no longer interbreed by choice or if they became biologically incapable of mating. Why do they stop interbreeding? Do we know, or only think we know?
Besides, whether they interbreed or not, these creatures all have the same salamander genome. We see the exact same behavior with dog breeding — most people know that you can put together two (male and female) dogs of the same breed and you’ll get purebred puppies, but if you put together two dogs of different breeds and allow them to mate, you’ll get a mutt. Chihuahuas and Great Danes don’t successfully mate very well due to physical limitations, and yet we still say we only have one species of canine. Yet with wild species, the slightest variation in kind can result in the declaration by scientists that a “new species” has been discovered, when in fact the discovery is most often a new variation on an existing species.
The article does seem to provide a clear and viable explanation for how diverse kinds of salamanders “evolve” into what some biologists classify as different species of salamander. One can easily see how the behavior could be applied to explain how the different types of bears or Darwin’s finches developed over time. The PBS article tries to offer a helpful analogy: “In concept, this can be likened to a spiral-shaped parking garage. A driver notices only a gentle rise as he ascends the spiral, but after making one complete circle, he finds himself an entire floor above where he started.”
The only problem with that particular comparison is that while the driver completes the circle inside the parking garage, he’s still driving the same car. His Ford Mustang did not change into an F-150 or a Honda Civic while he made the loop. It didn’t evolve into a motorcycle, a boat or an airplane, either.
Appropriately with this ring species, the ring begins and ends with a salamander. As the PBS article noted: “In some areas the two populations coexist, closing the “ring,” but do not interbreed. They are as distinct as though they were two separate species. Yet the entire complex of populations belongs to a single taxonomic species, Ensatina escholtzii.” Biologist David Wake was quoted to say, “Ring species are a beautiful example of species formation in action. All of the intermediate steps, normally missing, have been preserved, and that is what makes it so fascinating.”
However, the ring started and ended with the same taxonomic species of salamander. How does that constitute any proof of speciation, even assuming that is the correct name of the theory to describe the formation of a truly new species? It would seem that if speciation is going to be considered the appropriate word to describe the development of a new species while there is still such significant controversy over what it means to be a species, perhaps it is time to coin a distinctly new term to describe process leading to the formation of a new basic animal type.
In my opinion, there needs to be a unique moniker for the theory of how bears and salamanders, for example, share a common ancestor. Natural selection describes variations within a “kind” of animal — what theory adequately explains the existence of two truly different species, such as bats and dolphins? What is the name of this comprehensive theory describing how grass, rats, snakes, dragon flies, frogs, and owls all simultaneously exist and related to a common ancestor, yet all be so radically different?
Once upon a time, shortly after the origin of life itself, there was only one type of single-celled organism that existed. It was either a plant or an autotroph because only sunlight or chemicals were available for food. According to the secular theories of existence, life “evolved” from that single-celled organism into every other organism on the planet, with only Time and sexual reproduction as the catalysts that allowed for such change.

But natural selection alone as we know and understand the process does not allow for such dramatic changes between a whale and a cow, for example. Natural selection gives us a good explanation for why Hereford, Holstein, and Guernsey cows all exist, and why blue whales, sperm whales, and killer whales exist, but so much why cows and whales both exist.
Both are mammals, and both are allegedly descended from either Sinoconodon rigneyi or Morganucodon watsoni, the top two candidates to be the first mammal, which appeared roughly 190 million years ago.
However, we know from modern biology that for Morganucodon watsoni to produce fertile offspring, it had to mate with another Morganucodon watsoni and produce Morganucodon watsoni offspring. There would be expected variation within the parameters of the Morganucodon watsoni genome and the constraints of dominant versus recessive genes.
And do you know what we never expect to be the product of sexual reproduction? Shapeshifting. Yet shapeshifting would seem to be required for any explanation that involves a rat transforming into a whale or a cow, simply if enough time is made available.
Time is not a panacea.
Though off-topic,I as an agnostic and Libertarian from South America have,though the study of POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY,
realized to What an Extent Western Civilization (regarding it insistence on Human Rights),
owes it all to the IDEAS of Jesus of Nazareth.
1.His elevation of the Golden Rule/Law of Reciprocity (“Love your Neighbor like Yourself”) to the level of LAW=law of God ( repeated in the NT by James and Paul),
and his belief that humans are in the IMAGE of GOD ( where “MAN” is ” MALE and FEMALE”).
resulted in the specifics of the Human Rights Declaration in 1789(by a sincere Catholic,the Marquis de LAFAYETTE)
and in 1948 (2 of the 3 writers of the UN Human Rights Declaration in 1948 were practicing Christians: ELEONOR ROOSEVELT ( Episcopalian)
and CHARLES MALIK (Lebanese,Catholic),while the other was a Confucian( Pen Chun Chang,Chinese) ).
The Golden Rule is the essence/basis/ guiding principle/ first principle of the various human rights ( freedom of speech,of assembly, of religion, etc).
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ( redpill method for Learning How to Think )
1.According to the Nazarene: humans have souls in the Image of God. In ISLAM, all humans also have SOULS but NOT in the Image of God.
2.In the Greco-Roman religions: humans had souls and lived after death,but not in the image of God. In HINDUISM,people have souls, are reborn, but not a soul in the Image of God.
3.The Result: in Islam Muslims have MORE Rights than Non-Muslims,in 1990 the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation:today it includes all the 57 Muslim countries )
published the CAIRO Declaration of Human Rights,where they said the UN human rights were SUBJECT to Islamic Law(Sharia).
Sharia goes against Freedom of Speech,Freedom of Religion. It advocates Death for Apostates of Islam ( law that exists in 13 Muslim countries).
And Death for Homosexuals( in11 Muslim countries)
And 25% of those in Hinduism are DALITS/UNTOUCHABLES, who yes,they have a soul,but no caste, and are the lowest of human trash, mistreated.
JEAN MESLIER (died 1729) AND JOHN LOCKE ( Father of Classical Liberalism and the Age of Enlightenment)
1.First of all: 95% of our decisions are based on what is in our SUBCONSCIOUS, cultural elements,experiences we have received.
2.LOCKE(died 1704) was a sincere Christian who at first accepted slavery ( he drafted the Constitution of Carolina,which legalized slavery in 1669) but later rejected slavery) ,
and who advocated:
1.Separation and independence of the Executive and Legislative Powers
2.And also Separation of Church and State.
He, based of the argument that humans were created by God in his Image,and guided by the Golden Rule,stated all are born with 3 natural rights: right to Life, to Liberty,and to Property. Locked began the Age of Enlightenment.
Meslier was a French priest who when he died left a 633 page book(Testament) where he:
1.Gives arguments in favor of athesim.
2.Advocates communism.
3.Calls Jesus a “fou,insense et fanatique”( crazy,madman,and fanatic)
YET,YET ( 100% Independent of Locke)
As I said before,95% of our ideas come from our subconscious: Meslier knew all about the soul=Image of God, and Golden Rule=Law of God. He NEVER heard or read Locke and his 3 rights of man(for all men).
Yet he knew the basis that had inspired it: so in his Testament he proclaims that All MEN are EQUAL.
All of them.As I said,the Father/Founder of the Enlightenement/Classical Liberalism was LOCKE(died 1704).
And almost all the others: 1) Came after him, and 2) Merely REPEATED what Locke had said( separation of powers,separation of church and state, 3 natural rights(life,liberty and property), condemnation of slavery)
And 3) acknowledge they got their ideas from Locke
They were: Montesquieu and Voltaire, Hume and Kant(one of the greatest philosophers of all time). And Rousseau, Diderot,
and Pain,Franklin and Jefferson. And Lafayette. Except for Lafayette ALL were EX-CHRISTIANS( atheists,deists).But they had all received a Christian education:
and as I said before,95% of our ideas come from our subconscious: all 3 knew all about the soul=Image of God, and Golden Rule=Law of God.
They called it NATURAL RELIGION(without God,or a non-Christian God who never does miracles,and probably No Life after Death) but guess what:
that same natural religion of theirs proclaimed ALL were born with 3 natural rights(life,liberty and property).
Corsica declared its independence from Genoa,and under its leader PAOLI(who was a Devout Catholic,and approved of the Enlightenment Ideas),
they had a Republic and Constitution where WOMEN were given the RIGHT to VOTE.
Paoli’s ideas of independence, democracy and liberty gained support from such philosophers as Rousseau,Voltaire and Raynal. Later Corsica was invaded by France and made a part of that nation.
3 of them ( Voltaire,Hume and Kant) were(at the same time) AGAINST slavery and the slave trade,
and of the belief that Blacks are Inferior in Intelligence to Whites.
Leftists call them racist,however,they had been Raised as Christians and as I said before,95% of our ideas come from our subconscious: all 3 knew all about the soul=Image of God, and Golden Rule=Law of God.
So they NEVER advocated: denying Blacks the 3 natural rights of Locke.They Never advocated Legal Discrimination of Blacks.
It is because of the Influence of the Nazarene.