According to eyewitness accounts, Trayvon Martin had knocked George Zimmerman to the ground and was beating him “MMA style” when Zimmerman pulled his legally owned gun and fatally shot Martin. The “Black Lives Matter” movement then used Martin’s death as their excuse to launch a well-planned and orchestrated campaign to promote socialism.

If innocent black lives truly mattered to the BLM movement, when protestors chant “Say her name!” the crowd would be pleased and satisfied to hear Secoriea Turner’s name mentioned along with Breonna Taylor’s, but sadly that just isn’t true. It was George Zimmerman who became the first human in recorded history to be identified by the media as a white Hispanic man. Zimmerman was tried for murder in spite of the evidence that he’d acted in self-defense, and as filmmaker (and American Thinker contributor) Joel Gilbert revealed in his documentary The Trayvon Hoax, the prosecution even put a fraudulent witness on the stand to testify against him, but Zimmerman was acquitted by a jury of his peers following the applicable Florida law. BLM was not interested in “justice” for Trayvon Martin; they wanted vengeance.
When rumor spread in Atlanta that George Zimmerman had been arrested for DUI and was currently in the Fulton County Jail, BLM protestors tried to find out Zimmerman’s location so another prisoner might kill him. Can you say, “lynch mob?” Yes, I thought you could.
The unfortunate death of Trayvon Martin was only the beginning. Next we had Ferguson, with the narrative that Officer Darren Wilson murdered innocent Michael Brown, who was surrendering to the police with the words, “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” Again, the protestor’s narrative was that Brown was completely innocent and murdered by a white police officer, and the reality proved to be something quite different—Brown had punched Wilson in the face and reached inside his patrol car to wrestle Wilson for his weapon when he got shot. According to BLM, black lives of criminals are the only thing that matters.
Jacob Blake was armed and in the process of committing a felony as well as violating a protection order when police shot him. Yet that didn’t stop rioters from trying to burn Kenosha, Wisconsin to the ground. The rage mobs won’t allow the police to do their jobs anymore. In fact, if one looks at any of the “victims” championed by BLM, one will almost certainly find a suspect with a criminal record, or a perpetrator killed while committing a crime.
Rayshard Brooks was driving under the influence, asleep behind the wheel of his vehicle, resisted arrest, stole an officer’s weapon and pointed it at him, and yet the officer has been absurdly charged with first degree murder for Brooks’ death.
Some unknown protestor fired a shot into the air as seventeen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was running for his life from an angry mob of adult males quite a bit older than him. One of his attackers, Joseph Rosenbaum, was a registered sex offender. Rittenhouse was attacked from behind and struck in the head with a skateboard by Anthony Huber, who also had a criminal history of battery and domestic violence. All of this information has been documented on video and a meticulous timeline follows Rittenhouse’s and proves his innocence, and yet prosecutors have charged Rittenhouse with reckless homicide and several other serious felonies, in spite of all the evidence. At the same time, rioters guilty of serious felonies are arrested and released without having to post bail.
James Scurlock was a BLM rioter in Omaha, Nebraska who with a couple of friends decided to vandalize a bar owned by Jacob Gardner. Scurlock was black, and Gardner was white. When Gardner confronted the vandals with his gun, Scurlock put him in a choke hold from behind. Gardner fired two warning shots and then shot Scurlock in self-defense. Prosecutors decided to charge Gardner with manslaughter. Gardner received a number of death threats and eventually committed suicide.
In spite of the popular narrative, police knocked on the door of Breonna Taylor’s apartment and her boyfriend fired the first shot, striking an officer in his bulletproof vest. Tragically, Taylor was accidentally shot and killed as the police returned fire. Were the cops just supposed to let Taylor’s boyfriend shoot them instead? Apparently. The protestors either don’t know or don’t care about the truth. Protestors just want the blood of those police they deem responsible.
The mob screaming for the blood of policemen aren’t interested in what the law says. We first learned that in Ferguson when the mob chanted, “Pigs in a blanket! Fry them like bacon!” and of course, “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!”
Fortunately, the vast majority of Americans do not want dead cops any more than they want (innocent but) dead civilians. The problem with the radical liberal movement comprised of Antifa and Black Lives Matter crowds is they would rather see a good cop get killed than an armed and dangerous criminal resisting arrest. Yet these same wannabe anarchists won’t hesitate to call for the authorities when something happens that they can’t control—like someone getting shot and calling 911 requesting urgent medical assistance into one of these so-called autonomous zones. Their hypocrisy would be amusing if it weren’t so infuriating.
In Louisville, a convicted felon/BLM “peaceful protestor” pointed an illegal firearm at a passing motorist, who in return brandished his own weapon to show he could return fire if necessary. The convicted felon was arrested, but the innocent victim’s employer fired him for exercising “poor judgement” because the company “supports the right to peacefully assemble as an expression of free speech.” Since when is it considered peaceful to point a gun at somebody?
If a white man defends himself from a violent mob in a liberal city, there’s a good chance he’s going to be charged with a crime. If he doesn’t defend himself, there’s a pretty good chance he’ll be beaten unconscious, or worse. This is assuming he’s lucky enough to see it coming—unfortunately, this man never saw the coward with the brick sneaking up behind him.
So, can a white man defend himself against an unprovoked attack? Of course he can, at least for as long as we still have the Second Amendment. Will white men get into trouble for defending ourselves and face criminal charges? I’m pretty sure that will depend on where you live–in a blue state, the answer is probably “yes” but it still beats the alternative of having rampaging strangers beat and kick you to death because of your skin color. In one sense, it doesn’t matter if you might get in trouble for trying to defend yourself against a raging mob because the alternative is that you might get beaten to death. Whether or not a white man can legally defend himself anymore becomes an irrelevant question if the mob can actually get away with murdering him.
It’s become a question of survival.
John, you expertly put into words what many are thinking and are very concerned about. I’ve decided to be prepared to defend my family and myself, but am, for the first time, concerned that no one will come to my defense in the aftermath of legally doing that. What does one do when trapped in traffic or at a restaurant by BLM activists. I never saw this coming to America. 🇺🇸