The Babylon Bee satire website has been on fire lately with any number of hilarious articles such as this or that poking fun at the transgender “issue.” I’m guessing they’ve decided it’s better to laugh than cry at what seems to be a growing collective insanity.
Once upon a time, I tried to show compassion for the transgender crowd because a social media “friend” who was a biological male but also claimed to be a hermaphrodite had convinced me that he was born that way and had transitioned to become female because he felt more like a she. Because I tend to be a somewhat sympathetic person and didn’t want to be labeled transphobic I gave that person the benefit of the doubt, only to eventually see my good will abused and personal religious beliefs attacked. I’ve always tried to get along with other people and try to show respect for their opinions. I’m also cognizant of the fact I’m not always right, and the possibility exists that I can learn from people with whom I currently disagree. Therefore, my approach to friendship on social media to this point has pretty much been “anything goes.”
Personally, I’m pretty conservative in my politics, and a Christian according to my faith. But I have “Facebook” friends who are atheists, devout Christians, liberal, conservative, gay, straight, you name it…basically if you want to be my friend, all you have to do is ask. We don’t have to agree; we only have to be willing to listen to each other. The scientific facts in regard to the transgender phenomena are rather simple, straight-forward, and inarguable: boys may “identify” as girls all they want, but nothing will ever change the fact their genetic makeup includes a “Y” chromosome and they are biological males. Any other belief to the contrary is simply a delusion. My hope to take a somewhat conciliatory tone is because I don’t want to hurt the feelings of other people, but sometimes you have to take a stand against a fundamental wrong. Currently there are two issues about which transgender activists have bullied their critics and exceeded my ability to tolerate their actions.
First, there is all of this nonsense of mediocre biological male athletes “transitioning” for a year in order to compete against biological females in track meets, bicycle races, and even weightlifting competitions. My attitude on this issue is simple–it’s a question of fairness. It isn’t fair to let biological males claim gold medals and pretend to set world records in a women’s competition. Men have bigger skeleton frames that can support more muscle mass than women, and it’s frankly stupid to suggest there is no scientific evidence to support such a claim — how else could scientists know that Australopithecus Afarensis should be named “Lucy” instead of “Larry?” You can determine gender from bones. You can tell from DNA.
The only thing you can’t classify according to the scientific method is what a person thinks he or she is.
In other words, his or her subjective opinion.
It’s because trained scientists can actually tell male skeletons from females rather easily. I believe I’ve finally reached a point where I no longer care if someone might get offended by my opinion. But the “transgender sports” issue wasn’t the final straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back–that was a seven-year-old little boy named James Younger, whose mother wants to use puberty blockers to “transition” him into a girl. Dr. Anne Georgulas decided to call her son James “Luna” because he like girls. Oh, and his favorite cartoon character is Starfire, a female character in something called Teen Titans Go! Then when he was only three years old, James’ mother began telling him that he was a girl.
Is it any wonder that the poor child is confused? By my way of thinking, young James is probably a normal, heterosexual boy who might be subjected to drug therapy and hormone suppression by his mother because she’s insane and wanted to have one boy and one girl instead of twin boys, so she’s brainwashed her own child. This is nothing less than child abuse, and I cannot sit here quietly in the comfort of my own home and say nothing in objection out of fear of offending someone’s politically correct “sensibilities.”
Quite frankly, people like Dr. Anne Georgulas should not even be allowed to raise children, much less be given sole custody. Instead of chemically castrating this poor helpless young child and renaming him Luna, we should call his mother what she really is–a lunatic. If James believes he’s a girl when he turns eighteen and it is his decision to wear dresses and call himself Luna, then at that point it will be his prerogative instead of his mother’s, but that still won’t turn him into a biological woman. Nothing ever will. The most important point to consider is that a seven-year-old child cannot possibly understand the consequences of such a major, permanently life-altering decision at such a young age, even if we assume that it really is his decision and not his mother’s.
Personally, I think she’s insane, and poor James could potentially become her victim, although Governor Abbott has suggested he will take some executive action if the courts fail this poor child. Enough with this politically correct nonsense–let’s have some good old-fashioned common sense, shall we? Innocent children must be protected from adults who would do them harm, even those they call “father” or “mother.” Just because you happened to give birth to a human being doesn’t give you the right to turn that child into a science experiment.
I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!
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