According to Nathan Rott at NPR, we all owe Al Gore an apology because there has been severe flooding in Arkansas, and of course that must mean catastrophic climate change is true. After all, our intrepid reporter conducted a scientific poll of nearly two dozen people in Oklahoma and Arkansas (that’s twenty-four, for those of you living in Alabama, Tennessee, or Rio Linda) and all of them said they agreed the climate is changing, so that makes it unanimous, right?
The general gist of the story by Mr. Rott at NPR is that Al Gore has always been right, and anyone who doubted him about the reality of the threat from CO2 to our planet should be ashamed of themselves, and owes Mr. Gore an apology.
Fat chance. There’s a snowball’s chance in hell Mr. Gore would ever get an apology from me for my past criticisms. His ego has surely been stroked by honorary doctorates, an onstage appearance at the Oscars, and even a little slice of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. Yet none of his most dire predictions have come true.
There’s a problem when a “journalist” tries to reshape facts to fit a certain narrative–other facts must be omitted. In his article, Mr. Rott tried to use emotional reactions and cherrypicked anecdotes instead of facts and statistics as the foundation for his argument. Why has it recently flooded in Arkansas? Could the floods have anything to do with record late snowfall this past spring?
No one can look at images of destruction from floods, earthquakes, tornados, or other natural disasters and not feel some sympathy for the victims. However, there is no reason to assume that “climate change” or “global warming” caused by CO2 emissions had anything to do with this flooding.
It is very easy to compare Mr. Gore’s rhetoric to his behavior and quickly conclude that the goal of his environmental campaign has nothing to do with saving the environment and everything to do with increasing Mr. Gore’s personal wealth.
If Al Gore sincerely believed that CO2 emissions were literally destroying the planet, he wouldn’t fly on private jets or charter flights all the way to Australia.
If he honestly believed the ocean would rise twenty feet, would he have spent almost $9 million dollars on this gorgeous beach house in Montecito, California? It wouldn’t be worth very much under water.
This is what passes for news reporting at NPR these days?

Remember how the infamous doctored “hockey stick” graph in his movie An Inconvenient Truth showing global temperatures were rising exponentially, year after year? The data that produced the graph was altered using “Mike’s Nature Trick” to “hide the decline” in global temperatures.
Gore predicted the polar ice caps should have melted by now. What is the easily observable reality? Sea ice at the South Pole has been growing at record rates.
Because the sun has entered into a temporary downcycle of decreased solar activity, some “experts” now predict that by the year 2030, we may have entered into a mini ice age.

I personally don’t trust any of these prevaricating prognosticators any farther than I can throw an angry kangaroo, and that wouldn’t be very far. And as for Al Gore, he’s as reliable as the Night King for bringing winter with him, isn’t he?
Snow in Australia, anyone? Al Gore was recently hired by the Australian government for the paltry sum of $320k to give kangaroos another opportunity to play in snow. Unfortunately, no one thought to ask the kangaroos about the idea and it turns out they don’t like cold weather very much.
In fact, snow makes kangaroos really angry. Having been to Australia, I can assure the reader that you wouldn’t want to meet an angry kangaroo. They punch, kick, and bite.
The world does not owe Al Gore an apology, but we ought to think about buying him a ticket to visit a kangaroo refuge just in time for the next snowstorm.
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