I tend to think of myself as an American, not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. I don’t give either political party anything except my vote, and even then I never vote for the political party. I have always voted for the candidate and his or her platform, not the donkey or the elephant.
That was then; this is now. The cesspool known as Washington, D. C. has become so putrid that the stench permeates all the way down here to the outskirts of Atlanta. Smells just like a septic tank.
So without further ado, here are my top seven reasons why I won’t be voting for any candidate in 2020 with a “D” behind their name, not even for garbage collector:
Number 7: Representative Rashida Tlaib was reported as saying that thinking about the Holocaust gave her a “calming feeling.” Just think about that. Six million men, women, and children were murdered only because they were Jews. Rather than apologizing for any confusion her words might have caused, Tlaib accused her critics of being anti-Muslim and claimed her words had been taken out of context. Tlaib is also famous for shouting “We’re going to impeach the mother******!” in reference to President Trump at a public event held in her honor. Frankly, she’s an embarrassment to Congress, or she would be if Democrats ever experienced any emotions resembling pride or shame.
Number 6: Jerry Nadler demonstrates remarkably poor table manners while accusing Attorney General William Barr of committing perjury in his testimony before Congress. It would be most interesting to watch an actual hearing in which Attorney General Barr was able to respond to these accusations while under oath. While Nadler doesn’t appear to be very intelligent, he seems to be smart enough to avoid making these reprehensible allegations in a forum where Barr might have the opportunity to defend himself. Apparently no one ever taught Congressman Nadler that it isn’t proper etiquette to talk with your mouth full, or not to “smack” while chewing his food, or that it isn’t very bright to tell shameless, easily refuted lies about a very smart attorney general with full authority over the whole Department of Justice, plus subpoena powers. What Nadler lacks in intelligence, he compensates for with arrogance. He’s both rude and stupid, a potentially lethal combination.
Number 5: Mazie Hirono called President Trump a “grifter and a liar” before also accusing Attorney General William Barr of lying during Barr’s Senate testimony, rambling on for approximately six minutes before she finally framed a quasi-rhetorical question to the Attorney General and then interrupted him a few seconds later, giving him no real opportunity to respond to her scurrilous accusations. Why do Hirono and Nadler seem so determined to besmirch the reputation of the Attorney General? Do Democrats really think a majority of Americans will find such boorish behavior appealing, or have they become that desperate to get rid of Barr before he gets to the bottom of the spying on President Trump during the 2016 election campaign that they will literally say and do just about anything to mitigate the inevitable damage to the Democratic Party? The most recent development in this bizarre little kabuki dance is that A. G. Barr has been cited with contempt of Congress, something we share in common…
Number 4: Sanctuary cities and the border wall. It seems obvious that Democrats don’t care about protecting our national borders from a multitude of foreign nationals illegally entering our country and then taking up residence in sanctuary cities run by Democrat mayors who refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. Kate Steinle is dead, but Jose Ines Garcia Zarate remains in the United States, currently fighting to overturn his felony gun possession conviction and stop the process of his being deported for a sixth time.
Number 3: The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Democrats tried to destroy the reputation and career of a well-qualified, very respected judge with salacious accusations of sexual impropriety deliberately timed in order to delay and hopefully prevent him from being seated on the Supreme Court in a clearly desperate, and overtly partisan political move. The Democrats really have no business (falsely) accusing any of their Republican opponents of sexual improprieties while Bob Menendez remains in the Senate after the FBI made recent and credible allegations that he’d traveled with a political donor to the Dominican Republic in order to have sex with teenaged prostitutes. The Kavanaugh brouhaha was never about truth. It was all about abortion and the principle of stare decisis regarding Roe versus Wade.
Number 2: The disrespect and utter disdain expressed by virtually every Democrat when speaking about President Trump. Never in my lifetime can I remember any politician being forced to endure such a relentless personal assault on his character and his policies from so many people for such an extended period of time. I’m old enough to remember Watergate, and this has been worse than Watergate. Nixon actually was guilty of obstructing justice after the fact, but the evidence today seems to be leading to the ultimate conclusion that crimes were committed against Trump and members of his campaign by senior members of the Obama administration.
And the Number 1 reason I won’t be voting for any Democrats anytime soon: Ted Lieu’s despicable attempt to embarrass Candace Owens during her sworn Congressional testimony. The exchange was especially infuriating because the target of Lieu’s character assassination attempt was a young black woman who happens to be conservative. It was bad enough that Lieu completely distorted what Ms. Owens had said, but then he asked another witness to join him in condemnation of her words as he had misrepresented them. When a Republican finally gave Ms. Owens the opportunity to respond to the reprehensible accusations of Ted Lieu, Nadler rudely interrupted her testimony only to prove he hadn’t even been listening to what she said.
Quite frankly, referring to this farce as “gutter politics” is an insult to gutters.
As long as there are “Republican” elected officials like Jeff Flake, John McCain, and Justin Amash, I’m never going automatically check the box for every Republican candidate no matter what. On the other hand, as long as the faces at the front of the Democratic Party are Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Jerry Nadler, and Ted Lieu, I won’t vote for a Democrat, not even for dogcatcher.
What can I say? I like dogs.
Democrat politicians, not so much.
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