I just finished conducting a simple experiment that produced some pretty interesting results, in my opinion. I typed the name of my website (southern prose) into the Google search engine and checked the results. As expected, three of the first four search results were “me” — either a link to an article, the website homepage, or the author bio page. Enclosing the search criteria in quotation marks didn’t appear to have any impact on the results.

Then I began repeating the experiment, while doing my best to apply the scientific method. I added the name of my friend and guest contributor Frank Boccia to the search criteria, noting that the results only changed slightly when quotation marks were used around “southern prose”. Instead of the top three results matching my website, Google now found four unique articles. A slight improvement.
Over a number of iterations, the search results were fairly consistent…as I’d think of another subject or guest contributor at www.southernprose.com and modify the search criteria, at least one article from my website matching the criteria would inevitably show in the search results, as my queries correctly matched and located articles about Rose Kopp, P. Z. Myers and Hector Avalos and consistently listed them in the top two matches. When I substituted the name of the world’s most hysterical climate alarmist, Google even found an old article about hate crimes that wasn’t even about Al Gore, but merely made a brief reference to him. And when I added famed atheist Richard Dawkins to the search criteria, the entire first page of results was filled with links to articles I’d written.
I’d almost become convinced that Google wasn’t filtering the search results until I tried one more: “southern prose” + Jussie Smollett. Suddenly, Google no longer seemed to be able to find my website! I tried the full title of the article I’d written early yesterday titled Jussie Smollett’s hate crime.
Next I removed “southern prose” from the search criteria and receive 41.7 million hits for “Jussie Smollett’s hate crime” with links ranging from YouTube videos that are only three hours old to articles from reliably liberal sources such as NBC, CNN, USA Today, and even Vox…but not a single conservative source on the first page of results.
Even though I’m insisting on an exact match of “southern prose” by using quotation marks, for some strange reason, Google can’t find my website.
It isn’t a great secret that liberals have been systematically trying to silence conservative voices on the internet for a while now. Youtube has deliberately sabotaged the accounts of conservatives like Steven Crowder and Prager University, depriving their businesses of key revenue because the people who own these platforms have a covert political agenda.
In fairness to Google, when I tried the same search using duckduckgo.com, it couldn’t find the specific article titled “Jussie Smollett’s hate crime” at southernprose.com either, but that search engine did at least find and list my website within the first few results.
Why is this happening? I’ve tried to think of a logical explanation for this unusual behavior, and so far, I’m drawing a blank. If we asked Google, they’d probably say something along the lines of claiming their spider bots hadn’t had time to disseminate my article over the internet, but that would be a weird answer considering the YouTube video listed was only three hours old. This isn’t an experiment I’ve tried on a daily basis, but I have owned my website since 2010 and this is the first time I can ever recall looking for an article by the exact title at my website after it had been published and Google couldn’t find it a day later. Never before. Very weird.
Have I drawn the ire of some dark, sinister figure working at Google? I don’t think so. In the Big Scheme of Things, I’m nobody. I seriously doubt anybody working for Google or Alphabet knows or cares who I am. However, I do think someone might have written a bot that tampered with the search results when triggered by a certain keyword, or name.
Conservatism is being censored. Not just me personally.
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