According to Karl Popper, the ultimate test of whether a theory was scientific or philosophic was whether or not the theory could be falsified, meaning it could be tested according to the scientific method and theoretically proved to be untrue by solid contradictory evidence. J.B.S. Haldane once joked that the best evidence to disprove Darwinian theory would be a fossilized rabbit in Precambrian rock strata, because rabbits allegedly didn’t “evolve” until several hundred million years after the Cambrian extinction event had elapsed. Haldane didn’t realize it at the time, but his joke has ultimately shown that Darwinian evolution cannot be falsified. The theory of evolution has become the equivalent of religious dogma that simply cannot be challenged or questioned.
Consider the Zapata footprint above. If the print was found on a sandy beach, no one would question for a moment whether it was a genuine footprint created by a human being. However, this particular print was discovered in rock allegedly 250 million years old. Scientific tests should be able to provide a reasonably accurate age for the rock, and additional experiments should be able to demonstrate how the footprint could have been faked, assuming the fossil is not genuine.
Likewise, the image below allegedly shows a human footprint and a dinosaur footprint fossilized in the same layer of rock. Perhaps there is some plausible explanation for these fossils, and they only look like human and dinosaur footprints that are neither deliberate frauds, nor what they appear to be.
Or perhaps they can be proved to be clever forgeries by scientific tests and careful examination, although some of the most famous forgeries were made and presented as evidence of evolution, not evidence that refuted the theory. In either event, to the untrained eye it certainly looks like a dinosaur might have accidentally stepped on a fresh human footprint that had been left in wet mud. A lot would depend on the scientific age of the rock, I suppose.

The so-called “London Hammer” (shown below) was discovered in a layer of rock that’s allegedly millions of years old. Naturally, some internet “experts” have disputed this claim without stipulating whether or not they actually examined the physical artifact in question, or based their limited and unprofessional opinions off photos, like I’ve been doing. In any event, it is somewhat difficult to understand how the hammer could have been found where it was found when it was found, and in the condition it was found, and it’s silly to reject the evidence because of the source.

Similarly, there have been reports of juvenile T-Rex bones found with intact soft tissue. That information was suppressed for eight years while the so-called experts concocted what was accepted as a plausible explanation for finding dinosaur soft tissue, which turns out to be iron. The bottom line is simply this: if Darwinian evolution is true, these fossils must all be fakes, or not what they appear to be.
It’s reasonable to begin with skepticism, considering that Piltdown Man was ultimately falsified by scientific experiments showing how the bones had been deliberately stained and carefully glued together. Skepticism is healthy, but we cannot simply assume these fossils aren’t genuine without some basis for rejecting them other than the fact they would falsify evolution if they are real.
While the video above fails to provide “proof” that humans lived with dinosaurs as promised by the title, it does offer somewhat compelling evidence (around the 3:40 mark) that Darth Maul from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace could have been inspired by a real creature.
[For the humor-impaired, that was intended as a joke.]

The bottom line is simply this: if even one of these fossil footprints or hammer is authentic, then many of the fundamental assumptions about life based on Darwin’s theory of evolution should be assumed to be false. These fossils and artifacts simply can’t be legitimate if evolution is true.
If even one of these fossils is genuine, it would be equivalent to Haldane’s rabbit in the Precambrian…the fossil that falsified evolution.
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