When Bill Clinton’s presidency was threatened by talk of impeachment way back in 1998, the nonprofit organization MoveOn.org was founded by Joan Blades and Wes Boyd in order to urge Congress to simply censure President Clinton for his sexual improprieties in the Oval Office and “move on” with the functions of government rather than removing Clinton from office.

That was twenty years ago. So why hasn’t MoveOn.org moved on?
Logically, the reason for their existence should have ended when Bill Clinton’s impeachment concluded in the Senate without his conviction, even though he was clearly guilty beyond any reasonable doubt of sexual misconduct while in office and of committing perjury about his adultery, but the American people were told those were insufficient reasons to remove a sitting President from office. MoveOn.org lost the battle to stop impeachment, but they won the war. Bill Clinton served both terms in full.
Follow the money, as they say.
The reason MoveOn.org won’t move on is because they can’t. They are mired in the past, driving a powerful fund-raising machine using well-known liberal political figures such as Robert Reich (former Clinton Secretary of Labor) helping them raise money for “progressive” causes.
And boy, do liberals ever get their money’s worth! Just take a look at this high quality, mature and thought-provoking commercial they made about Obamacare–but don’t let any children wander within earshot while you do.
Classy. You get what you pay for, right?
The question was rhetorical, for the record. MoveOn.org is never going to move on until liberals stop giving them more money to burn.
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