You probably won’t recognize his name, but in late September Jordan Hunt was the man caught on video kicking a woman while she peacefully protested against abortion. If you haven’t seen the clip already, I’ve embedded it below for your convenience.
If you just watched the video, I hope you noticed how Hunt prepared himself to strike that the 34 second mark, but didn’t actually deliver the blow until two full seconds later. He took his time and telegraphed what he was doing. Hunt immediately claimed it was an accident and that he only meant to kick the phone from her hand, but it’s difficult to give this repeat offender the benefit of the doubt. You see, this wasn’t the first time Hunt physically assaulted an abortion protestor. One month earlier he had been identified on another video as the man aggressively charging into the street to attack a different female abortion protester over a sign she was holding. Hunt has been arrested by Toronto police and charged with eight counts of assault. He’ll have his day in court.
However, I don’t want to talk about the assaults or the motivation for them (abortion) at the moment. I want everyone to look at the necklace Hunt is wearing in the video. It’s a pentagram.
Coincidentally, the official symbol of the Church of Satan is an inverted five-point star called the sigil of Baphomet, as shown below.

The sigil also adorns the cover of The Satanic Bible. It’s a very important symbol to Satanism. Granted, Hunt may not even realize what he’s wearing. The camera never gets close enough to the necklace for me to be able to tell whether the medallion has any writing on it. Honestly, I’m not sure it matters. What does matter is that a man is willing to kick a woman on the street in broad daylight in front of witnesses and cameras. He’s apparently so obsessed about protecting a woman’s “right” to have an abortion that he’s willing to risk going to prison to preserve the right to murder an unborn child in the womb. He only used rape victims as his excuse.
Satanists claim they don’t really worship Satan, and say that Satan represents all sin, and all sin provides gratification. Satanists say they don’t believe in a higher power. Their “religion” represents the ultimate level of self-indulgence. Naturally, violence is considered an acceptable reaction to anything that upsets them. If you look at the violence spreading like a virus over the streets of cities like Portland, Berkeley, and Toronto, it shouldn’t be all that surprising to discover that some of these anarchists are wearing the mark of the Beast.
These are dark days, indeed. The worst are yet to come.
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