Writing is cathartic. I express my thoughts and emotions with my fingers using the keyboard, not using my fists to rearrange someone else’s face, even though the thought does prove tempting at times.
It’s okay to be unhappy when things don’t always go your way. There’s nothing wrong with getting angry when you feel an injustice has gone unpunished. It’s even okay to peacefully protest an grotesque injustice and try to inspire others to motivate necessary change. Remember the TEA Party?
However, it’s not okay to scream like a jackass at the top of your lungs six inches from the face of someone you don’t like. Nor is it okay to hit that person when his or her back is turned, like a coward is often tempted to do. And it’s not okay to destroy private property belonging to someone who disagrees with you…in fact, that’s criminal behavior called assault, vandalism, theft, and whatever the legal term is for felony destruction of private property. Oh…I guess the technical term would be arson.

It’s also not okay to stand in the middle of the street forcing traffic to stop and redirect in order to avoid you, while you scream profanity at the people in the car. These people have completely lost their minds.
Like a virus, this irrational, out-of-control anger coming from liberals, progressives, radicals, and anarchists has been threatening to spread out of control because the response from rational and reasonable people has been rather calm and understated, which only emboldens these crazy people.
In November there should be a noticeable, if not overwhelming reaction by voters who have been appalled by the way liberals have celebrated a deliberate attempt to destroy Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with blatantly false and salacious accusations that were only an excuse to oppose his nomination, not the real reason that Democrats and liberals objected to his confirmation. This political circus and travesty of justice happened because angry and irrational people believed it was more important to preserve their right to murder an unborn child than it was for Judge Kavanaugh to keep his reputation intact. It was obviously coordinated and organized.
Actions have consequences. The media shows protestors shouting at the Judiciary Committee from the gallery, then being led out by Capitol police. They show protestors hounding elected politicians and report of them being pursued by angry mobs even when trying to have dinner in a restaurant. Senator Rand Paul was physically assaulted from behind at his own home by one of these lunatics and received very serious injuries. Steve Scalise was nearly murdered on a baseball field, only because a radical lunatic wanted to assassinate conservative Republicans.
Where are the police? Oh wait a minute, this is Portland. You know, the city where protestors surrounded an ICE office and employees of the federal government were forced to call 9-1-1 for help, and amazingly the police refused to respond because mayor Ted Wheeler ordered them to stand down. Obviously, the inmates are running the lunatic asylum. Never mind.
This is what happens when lunatics are allowed to have power. Is this what you want? If it isn’t, you’ve got a pretty powerful incentive to vote for conservatives and Republicans in twenty-eight days.
Send them a clear message — this bullshit has got to stop. Vote on (or before) November 6th.
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