The death of D. M. Murdock, also known as Acharya S

acharyaSooner or later, Death will come for us all.

With sadness and considerable regret, I noticed that notorious Christian mythicist D. M. Murdock (also known by the pseudonym Acharya S.) recently passed away after a battle with cancer.

Now to be completely honest, I’ve never been a big fan of her books or videos, given her very open hostility toward Christianity and Christians.

Earlier this year, I wrote a rather scathing article about her book The Christ/Horus Connection and challenged the veracity of her work. Quite frankly, she and Richard Carrier formed a small minority of “experts” who question the existence of a historical Jesus.

Carrier does hold a PhD, but he doesn’t teach at a university. He offers online courses on his work that panders to the conspiracy theorist crowd and basically does “anything for a buck.”

The credentials of Ms. Murdock may be found here.

My words practically dripped with sarcasm as I aggressively questioned her claim that she learned Egyptian hieroglyphics on the fly. Let’s just say that I remain skeptical, but now regret my harsh words, considering they were delivered while she literally fought for her life.

Now it is my custom, when I “attack” someone like Ms. Murdock for me to attempt communication with that person in order to call their attention to my criticisms. I’d rather be up front and give him or her the opportunity to respond to my criticism as a common courtesy. I can’t say for sure that I emailed her a link to that article, and sincerely hope that I forgot. and that I did not cause her any distress during her final months on earth.

We all will die sooner or later, but people should’t go out of their way to make us miserable when our time comes.

Quite ironically, she died on Christmas Day, which would obviously mean little to someone who didn’t believe Jesus ever existed. It will now be almost impossible to forget the day she died.

Her “research” formed much of the material presented about an alleged conspiracy to create a myth called Jesus Christ seen in the movie Zeitgeist.  She was obviously a very intelligent woman, but she clearly had an agenda to destroy Christianity, which she vigorously pursued.

But Christians should not celebrate her death. Instead, we should pray for her soul, and for the comfort of her loved ones.

May she rest in peace.


  1. Good point – I certainly won’t forget the day she died.

  2. I believe that I can validate Acharya s’s contention that Jesus didn’t exist. it would have been impossible for a person named Jesus to exist two thousand years ago because the name Jesus didn’t exist at that time. Indeed, the J letter didn’t exist until the thirteenth century. When Catholic-Christianity plagiarized the winter solstice celebration in the eighth century, inaccuracies with the Julian calendar had pushed the date to the twenty fifth of December. When the very precise Gregorian calendar pushed it back to the date of the winter solstice, Protestant-Christianity had condemned Christmas as a pagan holiday that should not be celebrated by Christians, at least not by Protestant-Christians. By its own admission, Christianity has stated that Christianity is paganism, worshipping a pagan god. The truth about this name Jesus is that it derives from the Mycenaean Greek term Iezeus, which was another name for Dionysus. The title Christ derives from the ancient Sanskrit Kris, which means shining, or Krisna, meaning shining one.

  3. I see that you censor comments that don’t conform to the Bolshevik main party line, comrade. Communists and Christians love to censor. They really have a lot in common.

  4. John Leonard says

    I’ll deal with both of your comments at once. Of course I moderate comments. If you took the time to look around rather than mouthing off, you’d notice that respectful dissent is generally tolerated. However, I do not watch the website and respond immediately, and I don’t have staff. As long as you don’t use foul language or directly insult me, your comment will eventually see the light of day.

    So get over yourself.

    As far as your nonsense of validating Ms. Murdock’s work, interesting but useless trivia you offer. The Hebrew name/word for Jesus was Yeshua, which is what modern Messianic Jews also happen to call the Messiah.

    I’m not going to get into a comment war. You are entitled to your opinion, but if you try to pass off a crackpot opinion as some sort of historical fact, I may censor it if I don’t feel like responding, or I’ll be tempted to make an example of you.

    I didn’t want to speak ill of the dead, but you’re fair game.

  5. Alexander Villa says

    She spoke for what she believed to be true. Nothing more or less.

  6. I take no pleasure in someone’s death, regardless of how I feel about their beliefs. I personally disagreed with her stances, didn’t find her research to be well supported, and found Zeitgeist to be underwhelming. But I respect her for speaking her mind, and can only pray for her and her loved ones.

  7. I couldn’t stand her. She lied, she tried to deceive others, she self-promoted shamelessly using bologna-hype about herself. She was rude, nasty and nothing close to being a scholar. She used various tricks like “aka Acharya S”. Sure Dorothy, in what world? She was a hustler and I doubt she’s dead. I bet she promoted her death as a way to raise money for herself. She certainly wasn’t making money selling the bull she wrote and self-published.

  8. Timotheus goes around the net trying to sell the exact same nonsense under different names. He fancies himself a clever little dude who can write more garbage faster than any 3 idiots. He’s correct.

  9. “She spoke for what she believed to be true. Nothing more or less.” Alexander

    She wrote what she hoped would discourage belief in Jesus as God’s son, make her money and famous. She failed at all three.

  10. Wow, Acharya B. So you criticize her pen name yet copy it. Do you even know the etymology of the word?
    She wrote about facts and historical evidence. None of which Christianity can offer. She was not wealthy or famous either and I’m pretty sure endured all sorts of insult and threats to her person throughout her life.

  11. John Leonard says

    “She wrote about facts and historical evidence.” — by that, do you mean she made up stuff while she was teaching herself to read hieroglyphics?

    “She was not wealthy or famous…” — well, considering that we both know who she was, that makes her more famous than the two of us put together, at least to this point of my writing career.

    I thought her pen name was Acharya S. not Acharya B.

    Are you saying her name was actually Acharya B.S.? That actually makes sense. (That is a joke, in case a humor-impaired person happens to read this reply.)

    Look, Marko, I’m not going to try to convince you that Christianity is true, even though I believe that it is. I would encourage you to read something else I wrote instead.

    Try to keep an open mind, is all that I ask. And read this, if I haven’t lost you already:

    Thanks for reading!

    (edited to add: I just noticed the “Acharya B. comments below — this was written a while ago, and I forgot about the comments. Mystery solved.)

  12. She was a scholar, alright. That’s why every publisher stood in line hoping she would allow them to publish her masterpieces. She was also known as Acharya S.? Who knew her as that? Pure bull. What an amateur hack. Look at the morons who believed her b.s. They are as illiterate and as pathetic as she is. She knew nothing. She never accomplished anything. Likely, she made it with a couple dorks so she could quote them.

    She’s still alive. She needed bucks. She made nothing from the trash she plagiarized. Acharya? Great name, Dorothy. If she was so important, why didn’t anyone buy her books? She was starving. She never made any money writing the crap she dished out. Acharya. Known as Acharya. Bull. How stupid to give herself a second name to try to make herself look special, mysterious, profound, appreciated. What a horse’s rear-end.

    You can tell she’s still alive cause she’s the only one who ever had anything good to say about her. I don’t care that she’s an atheist. Don’t care she tried to prove Christ was a myth. She is an idiot. She never convinced anybody of anything except what a total jerk she is. Wait til she is exposed for being alive. You gonna pay back every dime you stole, Dorothy?

  13. “Wow, Acharya B. So you criticize her pen name yet copy it. Do you even know the etymology of the word?” Acharya S.

    Gosh Acharya S. Marko, I referred to your made up name to demonstrate what a con artist you are. Who cares about the etymology of that word? Where are you known as Acharya S? Your pen name? You are so full of it.

    Golly Marko, where did you get your pen name? My pen name is gorte. Do you even know the etymology of gorte? Huh? Well do you?

    Where is she known at all? Everything about her has surfaced from her self promotion. No legitimate student of history knows anything about her. She inserted herself into everything she could. There’s nothing to know. Never had an original idea in her life. Had nothing to say. Got a degree from Franklin and Marshall, whoop de do.

    “She wrote about facts and historical evidence.”

    Like what?

    “None of which Christianity can offer.” Prove it.

    “She was not wealthy or famous…” No kidding. That’s what she aspired to. She was a pathetic nobody, a nothing, a wannabe, a con. Leave it to Acharya to twist and to turn what is said to try to make something of herself, just like the devil.

    Dorothy, for your own sake, it would be better if you were dead, because once you are exposed, lawsuits are gonna fly. Any one who was fooled into donating a dime to pay for your medical sham is gonna be knocking on your door.

    BTW, Acharya, where is the hospital’s itemized proof you received treatment? It don’t exist, do it? LOL. FOOL!

  14. “I believe that I can validate Acharya s’s contention that Jesus didn’t exist. it would have been impossible for a person named Jesus to exist two thousand years ago because the name Jesus didn’t exist at that time. Indeed, the J letter didn’t exist until the thirteenth century.” lil timmy

    This is your proof that Jesus Christ didn’t exist? The letter J didn’t exist until the thirteenth century so Jesus could not have been a real person. Is that right? Julius Ceasar didn’t exist either. Neither did,

    “Jahdo, union; [31]
    Jahleel, God waits or God does grievously afflict; [31]
    Jahmai, Jehovah protects;[31]
    Jahzeel, God apportions or distributes;[31]
    Jahzerah, Jehovah protects or may he lead back;
    Jair, Jehovah enlightens, arouses or who diffuses light;[31]
    Jairus, He will enlighten or diffuse light;[31]
    Jakeh, pious or hearkening;[31]
    Jalon, abiding,[34] lodger[35]
    James, the Greek form of Jacob, supplanter (to take the place of another, as through force, scheming, strategy, or the like)[36]
    Janoah, rest[37][38]
    Jaresiah, whom Jehovah nourishes[39]
    Jasiel, whom God made[40]
    Jason, He that will cure,[41] one who will heal[42]
    Jathniel, whom God gives[43]
    Jazer, Jehovah helps[44]
    Jeaterai, whom Jehovah leads[45]
    Jeberechiah, whom Jehovah blesses[46]
    Jecamiah, whom Jehovah gathers[47]
    Jecoliah, able through Jehovah,[48] The same as Jecholiah: strong through Jehovah[49]
    Jedidiah, beloved of Jehovah[50][51]
    Jehiah, Jehovah lives[52]
    Jehoadah, whom Jehovah adorns[53]
    Jehoash, Jehovah-given[54]
    Jehohanan, whom Jehovah gave, a name of which John is the contraction.[55]
    Jehonathan, whom Jehovah gave[56][57]
    [[Jehoram {disambiguation)|Jehoram]]
    Jehoshaphat, whom Jehovah judges,[58] Jehovah-judged[59]
    Jehosheba, Jehovah’s oath,[60] Jehovah-swearing[61]
    Jehovah, I am; the eternal living one,[62] to be, exist,[63] to be, to become; [64] I am who am, hath sent me; I am who am with you,[65]
    Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah will see; i.e., will provide[66]
    Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah my banner[67]
    Jehovah-shalom, Jehovah send peace[68]
    Jehovah-shammah, Jehovah is there,[69]
    Jehovah-tsidkenu, Jehovah our righteousness,[70]
    Jehozabad, Jehovah-given,[71] whom Jehovah gave[72]
    Jehozadak, Jehovah-justified,[73] Jehovah justifies[74]
    Jekamiah, whom Jehovah gathers[75]
    Jeremiah, raised up or appointed by Jehovah,[76] whom Jehovah has appointed[77]
    Jeroboam…” and on and on

    Thanks Timbo, quite informative.

  15. John Leonard says

    I’m not trying to censor other opinions, and based on much of these comments it would seem that we might agree more than disagree. But I’m very curious — why do you think she’s still alive?

    I’ve seen no evidence that might support your belief.

  16. No thank you says

    After she died you wrote about how she’s wrong and you’re right. Then you commented on the day she died. If you’re sincere or a real christian write good things about the dead, nothing more.

  17. John Leonard says

    I wrote about how she was wrong before and after she died, because I am consistent. Christians are not required to “write good things” about people unless they are true.

    I don’t regret the serious doubt I expressed about her claim that she taught herself how to read hieroglyphics on the fly because I still don’t believe it. I write about the truth. In truth, I do not celebrate her death. In truth, I’ve never wavered in my fairly strong conviction that she was wrong about most of the claims that made her famous in some circles.

    I wish Ms. Murdock had realized at some point that she didn’t really know what she thought she did. I also wish I could have had a conversation with her before her untimely death. I hope you will reconsider judging me with no real knowledge of me or my work.

    Unfortunately, I knew far too much about the work of Acharya S. aka D. M. Murdock, but nothing about her personally. So I didn’t write about her. I wrote about her work, and about that, I cannot say good things.

    I’d like to understand why she came to hold the beliefs she expressed with such remarkable confidence.

  18. Sandra Miranda says

    Why did you not have a debate with her before she passed?… I believe her views were well received by mainstream scholars. The late Tom Harpur author, broadcaster; columnist and theologian (ordained priest) professor of the New Testament at the University of Toronto and author of “The Pagan Christ” shared some of her views. Christianity was very different before Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicaea The Jesus story had once been a universal pagan myth and belonged to the Greeks and to the Sumerians and particularly to the Egyptians… the myth was then clad in Jewish form and made into a real history. In Harpur’s research he found 180 exact parallels between Horus and Jesus. There were at lease 16 crucified saviours in antiquity plus 50 sun gods of various kinds who lived in varying decrees the same kind of life as Jesus with a virgin birth. Myth’s were the way the ancients told a truth and believed history was not so important because history depends how it is told and what is included or excluded.. a myth is what never was but always is because what it is carrying is eternal. The history is ephemeral.. myth carries for the ancient sages the kernel of the truth that we really are spirit and matter…and the human being has.. a spark ..a image ..a flame.. and is expressed in so many different religions in so many ways of the divine..

  19. She’s a pig. She’s gonna pay, too. Watch the lawsuits fly, honey. She couldn’t write and she couldn’t sell nothing. She feigned illness to make some money.

  20. John Leonard says

    Who is going to sue whom? She’s dead, the last time I checked.

  21. This is proof she’s alive:
    “Sandra Miranda says
    April 4, 2018 at 11:45 am
    Why did you not have a debate with her before she passed?…


    I believe her views were well received by mainstream scholars.


    The late Tom Harpur author, broadcaster; columnist and theologian (ordained priest) professor of the New Testament at the University of Toronto and author of “The Pagan Christ” shared some of her views.


    Christianity was very different before Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicaea The Jesus story had once been a universal pagan myth and belonged to the Greeks and to the Sumerians and particularly to the Egyptians…


    the myth was then clad in Jewish form and made into a real history.


    In Harpur’s research he found 180 exact parallels between Horus and Jesus. There were at lease 16 crucified saviours in antiquity plus 50 sun gods of various kinds who lived in varying decrees the same kind of life as Jesus with a virgin birth. Myth’s were the way the ancients told a truth and believed history was not so important because history depends how it is told and what is included or excluded..


    a myth is what never was but always is because what it is carrying is eternal. The history is ephemeral.. myth carries for the ancient sages the kernel of the truth that we really are spirit and matter…and the human being has.. a spark ..a image ..a flame.. and is expressed in so many different religions in so many ways of the divine..”

    Dory was the only one who ever had anything good to say about her. There’s no evidence she’s dead. She said she was dying. Who was in her life to confirm anything she said? No one. Everything anyone knows about her came from her and she lied all the time. She didn’t die on Dec 25, either. She was/is so full of lies and bull, it is amazing she deluded anyone.

  22. John Leonard says

    This may be the most interesting “comment” anyone has ever left on my website. You imply having knowledge and use a nickname as if you are very familiar with the subject on a personal basis.

    Question: why would Ms. Murdock fake her own death? Cui bono?

    You allude to stolen donations and all sorts of intimate knowledge of the fraud or her bogus scholarship but the references are too vague for me to investigate further. Would you like to further expand on your accusations? As I see it, there is little risk to you, because if Murdock really is dead, she can’t sue you for libel or defamation of character. If she isn’t dead, she’ll have to expose herself to challenge you.

    You don’t seem to be presenting information in the form of your opinions, but stated as known fact. Do you mind pointing me in the direction of some of your sources so I can confirm what you are saying here?

  23. “…to another discerning of spirits;”

    The spiritual gift of discernment is also known as the gift of “discernment of spirits” or “distinguishing between spirits.” The Greek word for the gift of discernment is Diakrisis. The word describes being able to distinguish, discern, judge or appraise a person, statement, situation, or environment. In the New Testament it describes the ability to distinguish between spirits as in 1 Corinthians 12:10, and to discern good and evil as in Hebrews 5:14.

    The Holy Spirit gives the gift of discernment to enable certain Christians to clearly recognize and distinguish between the influence of God, Satan, the world, and the flesh in a given situation. The church needs those with this gift to warn believers in times of danger or keep them from being led astray by false teaching.
    See also I Corinthians 12:10, Acts 5:3-6; 16:16-18; 1 John 4:1. Jeff Carver

    She is a huckster. God gives gifts to His kids, discernment among them, but it isn’t really necessary to rely on His supernatural insights to see what a fraud she is.
    She outs herself. Her books didn’t sell because they were junk. She had no income, so, she raised money to pay for medical expenses she didn’t incur. She concocted the entire scheme because she figured she could get away with it and she was broke. There’s nothing substantial which serves as credible evidence that she’s gone. Just think about her life. She had no one, did nothing, knew little and promoted herself endlessly with no shame. Her Stellar Publishing Company is a joke. It is easy to recognize her writing style laced with furious rebuttals at all those who dare to challenge her. The good news is she still has time to find the comfort and warmth in Jesus that she’s tried so hard to resist. She wants to be in love with our Savior so desperately.

  24. Have fun burning in Hell! There’s only one way out and that is through Jesus Christ

  25. John Leonard says

    Reading your comment reminded me of the words the Christ spoke from the cross: Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. When Osama bin Laden was killed in a military strike, I felt like celebrating as an American…but then I remembered that I’m also a Christian, and believe that upon his death, bin Laden went straight to hell.

    So instead of celebrating, I said a short prayer thanking God for our troops safe return from their mission, and then I asked God to judge bin Laden and his victims fairly, because I knew I could not be impartial.

  26. I just found out about her and Stellar Publishing. Sad to find out she had passed. I myself think along the lines of her beliefs and firmly share her thoughts on archeoastronomy.
    In fact I’d like to share this with you here.
    The birth of Christ reveals itself to be from far earlier sun worship. Worshippers would celebrate the birth of the sun at dawn
    The Star of Bethlehem is our moon! It is Mathias the 12th disciple based on our present knowledge of the solar system. The 3 Kings are the stars of Orion.
    Mathias name means “gift of god” which fits in perfectly with sun worshippers beliefs. But though some unknown process became the devil who deceived the world. Revelations speaks of this! You see much of Revelations is based on ancient history.
    Anyway back to the moon, and the archetypal sun of god. Mathias was a follower of Christ meaning our moon came from outside the solar system. The new view of our solar system as written in an article by National Geographic speaks of 11 planet’s. Christ had 12 disciples. Christ as we know called Judas the 13th disciple. According to scripture Judas bought a field with his silver or a solar orbit. Tumbled headfirst and gashed his stomach open and his gut’s fell out. Meaning our asteroid belt is the remains of Judas or Ramos brother of Romulus. See Dr Brandenburg and ancient atomic war on Mars. How xenon 129, a product of nuclear detonations is found on Mars. It’s verifiable! A war between 2 brothers!
    The Star of Bethlehem is the moon inbound from the east. From Revelations 12:4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.
    The woman is earth Mary was about to give birth to her son. And we have evidence of intense meteoric bombardment known as the Carolina Bays impact sites.
    Revelations 16:20 Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. This explains the flood and associated catastrophic events. Plunged the world into a deep freeze as evidenced by frozen mammoths in Siberia. Much research has gone into how mammoths were flash frozen with temperate climate flowers in their mouths and stomachs. It happened very rapidly, there is no other way of doing this without decay. The earth tumbled and restabilized once the moon had settled into orbit. The moon itself qualifies as a dwarf planet being larger than Pluto.
    According to myth Mathias was buried near the temple of the sun in Sebastopolis.
    Since now that Christ is the sun/son of god and the archetypal son. That now means all the stars we see in the heavens will be son/suns of god. Where in the future if we encounter life, they to will likely have a universal savior.

  27. Simonhenry says

    R.i.p dm murdock you will be missed

  28. I’m no scholar but have purchased her books. I have a question for the folks that say she is full of BS and a Liar. Archaeological burial sites have verify that ancient Egyptians such as King Tutt were actual people on earth and we see the Pyramids. Tell me where is Noah’s Ark? Can any one of you tell me where just one of the Apostles are buried? The Christian religion is solely based upon blind faith. You guys talk and talk but offer not one shred of physical proof to back up your biblical beliefs. I believe that there must be and intelligent being out their but the Christian story does not give any physical proof whatsoever.

  29. There are other theories regarding Jesus (or whatever other name anyone wants to refer to him as) but i believe that all she was doing was pointing out facts about events that supposedly happened but NOBODY wrote about them…. so many well known writers living in that same exact area yet outside of the New Testament there is NOBODY writing of these events. For example: Matthew 27 51-56:
    Matthew 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him: 56 Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee’s children.

    those paragraphs are quoted verbatim from i believe is the King James Version. And please correct me if im wrong, but can you point me to another source where someone of the many people that supposedly saw these tombs bust open and these “Saints” appeared to many? i mean that sounds like something a lot of people would of written about considering there where do many witnesses right? Yet, from what i know, nobody outside of the New Testament ever wrote about zombies walking around the Holly City. Again, if such authors exist and there are writings of these events please correct me. Another point here i make is that it seems that more people then just Jesus where resurrected considering the passages. Here we have sll these dead saints walking out of their tombs “for many to see” yet I’m not aware of any author (and there where many living in that same place at the same time) that wrote about these events. One would think that something as incredible as these events would b3 written by many authors yet i know of none except for Matthew. With all due respect RMS.

  30. I too am noticing a picking and choosing of certain comments.


  31. Aremis (RMS) says

    Another theory actually exists regarding Jesus. There is another historical figure who’s life resembles that of Jesus. In this instant im referring to (i believe) the last Pharaoh who’s name was Caesarion or “Little Caesar”, who parents where the great general and statesman of the Roman Republic, and Cleopatra VII Philopator, the enigmatic and highly revered pharaoh of Egypt.

    Historians agree that Caesarion was born in Egypt in 47 BC. He was said to have a close resemblance to his father, Julius Caesar. Caesarion was declared “the King of Kings” and known as the “Lord of Lords” during the time of his reign, the last pharaonic dynasty to rule Egypt. After the death of his mother Cleopatra, Plutarch says that Caesarion had actually escaped to India, but was falsely promised the Kingdom of Egypt. This last part i actually copied from a website on this “last Pharaoh of Egypt” and taken from:

    I have also seen several documentaries where this subject is mentioned, i believe the Documentary is called “Secret Rulers of the World” – does anybody have any thoughts on this matter? I would be really interested on what anybody has to say regarding these “true events” (to the best of my knowledge). Thank you for your time.


  32. See?
    She is alive and just as deluded and self-promoting as she ever was, making the same ridiculous claims she made when she was “alive”. No one throughout history has ever defended someone publishing trash like this phony defends her garbage under various names. She even pushes her own work by referring to herself. She’s still got piles of books to sell.
    Hey Dorothy, let’s see the itemized bill for your final days as a hospitalized, desperately ill cancer patient for which you received tens of thousands in donations. She’s very alive. Never told the truth once in her entire life.

    ET over and out, Doro

  33. “I’m no scholar” Cedric
    That is correct.
    No, there isn’t a shred of evidence thart Jesus, Pete, Paul, Jamesbo, Mary, Matty, Lukus, Tim, none of those cats ever were. It was all a hoax perpetrated by Tibetan Monks in exile from Cuba during the missile crises.

    Archemedes, “Historians agree that Caesarion was born in Egypt in 47 BC.” Therefore, since he was called king of kings and lord of lords, he was Jesus. ARMS. Sorry, I meant Aremis not Archemedes.
    Are you sure you are not DM resurrected? Your literary style is just as lacking as hers.

  34. John Leonard says

    Who is Cedric?

  35. Dory The Magnificent. “Cedric” is one of her many imposters.

    There’s no “proof” she’s dead. There is a gravestone? There’s a picture of one that she made. No hospital records exist. She figured she was worth more faking her demise than she would ever make trying to sell the junk she produced. “Stellar” is the name for her computer generated “books” she wrote. No real publishing house ever offered her a dime for the nonsense she created.
    When the story breaks that she is alive, lawsuits will breakout and criminal charges.

  36. Howie Gardner says

    From what I could tell this woman felt disgraced when her supposed life achievement Zeitgeist was lacerated by fellow skeptic Bart Ehrman. Early on Acharya was invigorated by certain male atheists who gawked over her good looks. Okay nothing wrong with that. Most women and people in general enjoy getting complimented on their good looks. But I rather suspect that the good looks dissipated over time from her battles with cancer. And when fans began to focus on her scholarly credentials they were found lacking. I personally went back and forth over FB with her on the silliness that the Biblical authors had borrowed the 12/25 date from Horus, Mithra and Buddha as the Bible never once makes any mention of a 12/25 date. Her reaction of trying to change the subject struck me as rather childish. She apparently could not even muster the courage to say that I had made a valid point. That she died on 12/25 causes me to wonder if indeed the absurdity of her claims did not in fact result in both embarrassment and her losing the will to live.

  37. I heard an old podcast today where Acharya S was interviewed by Skeptiko. She said she had once been a born-again Christian, but given the subject matter, it was clear she no longer was. I pondered on how she was hurt and driven away. I believe the evidence to be on this webpage, as I read the words looking for likeness of Christ and finding little.

    Skeptiko used to believe much like Acharya S, whose attitude has recently changed through his research into near death experiences. I am far more encouraged by his transformation than what I see here. I was hoping to find a similar change in AS, but sadly, she died nine years ago.

    The Word says: There’s none righteous, no, not one. And, every knee will bow – may my kneed bend too without needing to be broken. Looking back though, I had to be broken to accept Him…


  38. John Leonard says

    Perhaps you weren’t looking in the right place for validation of your beliefs if you’re looking for the likeness of Christ and finding little, as you said. I am a Christian and I’ve also written extensively about the near death experience, which I also wrote about in my book The God Conclusion as part of the evidence for the existence of God.

  39. I think all the comments here are disgusting. Some from so called Christians. RIP Dorothy. You were taken from the world too soon

  40. I came across this sight quite by chance just now and I agree with John. Some of the hate-filled comments are truly awful. Religious fanaticism seems to have a nasty habit of bringing out the very worst in people sometimes.

  41. When I say John – I mean the John immediately about my last comment.

  42. immediately before my last comment

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