
I love to write about things that interest me. It will be easier to tell you what doesn’t interest me than try to list what does — pop culture and reality television do not interest me. Science, religion, animals, sports, medicine, and problem solving are among any number of subjects that do interest me very much and hopefully that passion for knowledge is reflected in my work.  Everything from short stories on animals to essays on politics — a non-fiction book on creationism and a detective novel. I am a work in progress because I am hungry for knowledge.

I hope you are here for the same reason. Life is change. Change is life.

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  • The Unplanned Universe is Mathematically Impossible
    We know the universe had an origin or a beginning. Science calls this singularity the “Big Bang” theory, a term originally coined by a very famous scientist (and atheist) named Fred Hoyle. Hoyle was mocking the idea that our universe could have had an origin because at that time it was believed our universe was […]
  • The importance of experiencing pain
    Pain is…very unpleasant. Let me apologize in advance if I ramble at some point, but I’m still doped up on painkillers at the moment. Quite frankly, pain sucks. But at the same time, it is very important, even crucial for our survival. Tonight, I found myself even thanking God for my recent pain. If I […]
  • Religulous
    I finally broke down and watched Bill Maher’s “documentary” titled Religulous, only sixteen years after it was first released. The movie came out a couple of years after Richard Dawkins published The God Delusion, around the same time I had begun research for what ultimately became my first published book, Divine Evolution. When the movie […]


Looking on the bright side

Bill Tush Ted Turner revolutionized the information world when he bought Channel 17, a local Atlanta television station, and started bouncing its signal off of a satellite so … [Read More...]

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